Sunday, July 19, 2009

Moving On

Take a look behind you,
maybe you'll see me.
You've already left me here,
do you know who I used to be?
I'm waiting for the moment
when two hearts beat as one.

When I push you away,
I need you the most.
If I wanted you near,
would you pull me close?
I'll let you know
when I lose my breathe again.

There's a chance that now
we're completely alone.
There is no innocence
in the world we are shown.
I'm forever blind,
and I can't find myself.

I've left you behind,
you're not visible anymore.
I've forgotten you,
who were you before?
Let me move on
so you can know how it feels.


Gina said...

KEVIN??? Is that YOU???

Bela said...

Hahaha nope =) This one was about a four-letter person...but he's out of the picture! What shall we call him...?

Gina said...


Bela said...

Nyet (that's Russian! Kiki's on a language kick...)...good try, though!

Nope, you guys don't know him. He was from Choate =P Buuuut..."it's all over now, Lady Bluuueee"

Gina said...

How does this happen to you at a writing camp??? Nevermind.


Gina said...

And yes, I know what nyet means. And da. And dosvedanya. And cosmonaut.


Bela said...

YES! Kiki will be proud =)

I...don't know. I must be good at finding poetry topics or something...